Study MS-Excel at DGC

Build your skills and grow your business with our MS-Excel courses. Tailored to your needs, our MS-Excel courses are available from beginner to advance levels. 

Help your company become more efficient and book today. 

A person using a laptop. On the screen are reports. On the desk a cup of coffee

Introduction to MS-Excel

This 1 day course aims to give the new Excel user all the basic skills that they need to be able to use Excel with confidence.

Tips are included on using Excel quickly and efficiently, and you will learn how how to layout spreadsheets and create charts.

Introduction to Data Analysis Using Excel

The ability to analyze data is a powerful skill that helps you make better decisions. Microsoft Excel is one of the top tools for data analysis and the built-in pivot tables are arguably the most popular analytic tool.

In this 2 hour online course, you will learn how to perform data analysis using Excel’s most popular features.

A birds eye view of a person working on reports on a laptop
A woman working on reports on a laptop

Intermediate MS-Excel

This course seeks to improve proficiency with Microsoft Excel.

It includes working with multiple worksheets, adding database capabilities, split screens and more Excel functions. It also takes charting a step further and introduces passwords to Excel.

Advanced MS-Excel

This 1 day course, takes the skills learned in Introduction to Excel and Intermediate Excel and moves to look at some more advanced Excel tools. 

It is particularly suited to those who use Excel as a means of modeling data to find solutions to problems.

A person works on excel on a laptop while looking at reports

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