If you are a Scottish student attending a further education college in Scotland, you usually don’t pay fees. In addition, you can also receive help with the cost of studying, including living and travel costs, course materials and childcare. What you’re entitled to will depend on:
- Where you live, i.e. your nationality and residency status.
- Your course, e.g. above or below HNC level, full or part-time.
- Your age.
- Your personal circumstances, e.g. your income or parents’ income, marital status, number of dependents.
Some elements of funding are based on the income available in your household. If you are under 25, available income is based on your parents’ income.
All students who have been offered a place on a course will automatically be sent a link to apply for their funding online so please ensure your email address is up to date as this is how we will communicate with you.