Automotive Skills (Dalbeattie High School) SFW @ SCQF Level 4

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This qualification is designed to engage and motivate pupils who are interested in learning about the motor vehicle industry. It is aimed at learners who prefer and respond to ‘hands-on’ learning. Therefore, the course has a practical approach to assessment and includes many problem-solving techniques which will stimulate and interest learners.

Course code





This programme requires 3 hours of direct contact and additional study.

Entry Requirements

There are no formal entry requirements for this course, but you will need to demonstrate a real interest in the automotive industry, be committed to learning new skills and to have consistent and full attendance throughout the course.

Information and Interview Session Requirements

There are no requirements for an interview for this course, but you should have a basic knowledge and an interest in the industry with a view to potentially looking to have a career within it if you would like to join this course.

Course Content

This course provides a broad introduction to the automotive industry where you will learn how to carry out basic vehicle checks, how to replace and remove vehicle components and mechanisms and gain an understanding of how to use tools and equipment. You will also gain an understanding of relevant health and safety legislation.


Assessments will generally be practically based but will also address the wider knowledge and understanding associated with the automotive industry.


Satisfactory completion of this course allows entry to the full time IMI level four course in Transport Maintenance or into the second year Light Vehicle course with an additional three National 5s which should include Maths, English or a Science subject.

Career Prospects

Progression to the IMI Transport Maintenance course or higher-level full time programmes of study or into an apprenticeship with an employer in the automotive industry.

Course Contact Details

Michelle Hodgson – email

Selling Points

This very popular and enjoyable course provides an insight into a very modern and fast-moving industry and works well as an introduction to the motor industry and will also help with the development of practical skills.

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