First Aid For Mental Health


This course is suitable for everyone but has been designed to help employers to provide a positive mental health culture within the workplace and to provide learners with comprehensive knowledge on a range of the most common mental health conditions and the skills to be able to act should a condition be suspected.

Learners undertaking this course will be considered First Aiders for Mental Health and be a point of contact within the workplace to help and support those with a suspected mental health condition.

On successful completion, delegates will receive an accredited certificate: Award in First Aid for Mental Health at SCQF Level 5.

For limited time only, we are offering 20% discount on this course. Was £75pp, NOW ONLY £60pp

Course code



Dumfries and Stranraer Campus


1 day




Location: Dumfries
Day 1 – 11 Jun 2024 09:00

Course Content

A range of subjects are covered including:

What is First Aid for Mental Health?

Identifying mental health conditions

Providing advice and starting a conversation

Drugs and alcohol

First Aid for Mental Health action plan

First Aid for Mental Health in the workplace


The qualification is assessed through both a practical demonstration of the First Aid for Mental Health Action Plan and a multiple-choice question paper. On successful completion you will be awarded with an Award in First Aid for Mental Health at SCQF Level 5.


Supervising First Aid in Mental Health

Course Contact Details

If you would like more information or to reserve a place on a course, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01387 734199

Booking Terms & Conditions | Dumfries & Galloway College (

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