Introduction to Education of Children & Young People

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If you are interested in pursuing a career in working with children, the Early Learning and Childcare National 5 course may be for you.

It is an introductory course that focuses on developing practical skills and knowledge working in the Early Learning and Childcare sector. in the early learning and childcare sector.

Course code





Attendance: 1 year part time, 3 hrs per week

Entry Requirements

You will need the following:

  • A keen interest to pursue a future career working within the Early Learning &Childcare sector.
  • To demonstrate ability to work at National 5 level comfortably.
  • To include an accurate and written statement in your application that should explain why you want to do this programme and your interest in this subject.

Information and Interview Session Requirements

There are no requirements for an interview for this course, but you should have a basic knowledge and an interest in the industry with a view to potentially looking to have a career within it if you would like to join this course

Course Content

The course aims to give you:

  • An understanding of the workplace and your responsibilities when working within the sector
  • Knowledge that underpins practices in all childcare settings.
  • Practical skills of planning, implementing and reviewing play experiences for a range of different ages. positive attitude to learning
  • Flexible approaches to solving problems and developing meta skills
  • Adaptability and positive attitude to change
  • Confidence to work independently, with others as well as set goals, reflect and learn from experiences.


All components of the programme are assessed. A variety of assessment approaches are used for example, building portfolios of evidence, short reports, oral and poster presentations, observation of your practical skills.


A pass in this programme may form part of the entry criteria towards applying for the following:

  • a place on a full-time college in Early Learning and Childcare course (dependent of meeting additional entry requirements).
  • The Foundation Apprenticeship part time programme if you continue at school for a further year.

Career Prospects

This is an introductory programme to working in the early learning and childcare sector. If you intend to pursue a career within this area, you will need to gain further qualifications to be able to register with SSSC.

Further information on careers within this sector can be found at the following link

Course Contact Details

Michelle Hodgson-

Selling Points

Facilities include a simulated early learning nursery setting.

This course or its units may provide progression to full time courses in Childcare at National 5 or SCQF level 6
The programme also aims to develop transferrable skills relevant to employment.

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