Social Science Theory (NQ) @ SCQF Level 6

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This programme is delivered through a combination of face to face, hybrid and online lessons. The majority of your learning will be online through live Teams lessons. There will be regular times when you will be expected to attend face to face for workshops and where there are closed book assessments.

This programme provides a route to HNC Social Sciences for you if do not currently meet the HNC entry criteria. It will specifically interest those who would like to study psychology, sociology, English and numeracy. It may lead to progression to other HNC level courses offered at the College. The course is challenging and contains a combination of units that will require considerable study out-with college time.

You must be able to cope with the demands of study at SCQF6 and demonstrate the potential to go on to study further. You must have the resilience for the physical and mental demands of study as well as the time and motivation to succeed. Attendance and engagement in the learning is required at 100% whether the class is in the campus or online.

Metaskills are embedded on the programme as well as 3 maths units, and SCQF Level 6 English units on the programme and you must demonstrate in your application that you have the potential to study successfully at this level.

Course code



Dumfries Campus


100% attendance and engagement is expected, the majority of the learning is live online and in person attendance only on set dates. Your attendance and engagement record will influence any application for further study at the end of the course year.

Entry Requirements

  • You are likely to be a school leaver who gained 4 National 5 qualifications at C or above, including English – but you do not have relevant or sufficient Highers to gain entry to HNC.
  • You should already hold a National 4 level numeracy qualification.
  • Please make sure to answer the Supporting Information Questions on the application form, with as much detail as possible. This will demonstrate your commitment to the course.

Information and Interview Session Requirements

Your offer of a place will depend on your answers on your application form, so make the most of that.

Course Content

There are 3 Maths units at SCQF level 5, and units at SCQF 6 include English, Psychology, Sociology, Values, IT. Meta-skills are embedded throughout to give you a chance to reflect on your learning and how these skills may be applied throughout your chosen career.


You may be assessed through essays, presentations, portfolios, and closed book tests.


This course is designed for your progression to study at HNC level, usually HNC Social Sciences.

Career Prospects

The likelihood is that you will want to go to progress to study HNC and then on to university where you may study a variety of subjects such as psychology, sociology, social work, journalism and many more choices.

Additional funding information

You may be eligible for Bursary or EMA (Education Maintenance Allowance) funding for this course. Please contact a member of the funding team for details. Your funding may be withheld for non-engagement in coursework and for non-attendance at lessons.

Selling Points

Getting back into good study habits which enable progress to HNC Social Sciences. Gaining level 5 numeracy qualifications which helps to meet entry criteria for university.

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