We are at the mid-point of our aspirational strategic strategy Ambition 2025 which sets out our vision as a provider of skills for students, employers and employees.
Ambition 2025 sets out our response to local, regional and national priorities and we work with a range of partners, organisations and stakeholders to enable our community to transform and continue to be ‘One Step Ahead”.
Our Four Key Strategic Priorities
We will provide our students with an ambitious, dynamic, and far-reaching tertiary education that is responsive and a future that will:
- Provide an excellent student experience that is focused on high-quality innovative learning and teaching which provides access for all.
- Ensure that our curriculum is digitally rich and accessible.
- Develop career management skills and enterprise with articulation opportunities that match our student’s ambitions.
- Ensure that the Student Association is effective and reflects our students’ voices.
- Ensure that students’ needs are matched and anticipated at all stages of the student journey.
- Provide high-quality outcomes for our students.
- Provide qualifications that provide access to further study and develop workplace skills.
We will enable our people to create a productive and resilient workforce that will:
- Be driven by outcomes and efficiencies aligned with our values, purpose and strategy.
- Embrace change aligned to a productive workforce adapting to new ways of working.
- Be commercially focused and people-centered empowering our people to be successful by nurturing, supporting and developing talent.
- Support continuous learning and professional development to ensure our people have the right skills to perform at the highest level.
- Treat every person with dignity and respect, ensuring that the college is inclusive, accessible and values diversity.
- Use our PRD process to increase ownership and accountability across our workforce.
- Promote an ethos of collegiate working and partnership.
- Establish the profile of DGC as the employer of choice in the region.
We will secure college financial performance through our focus on long-term growth and efficiency:
- Secure long-term sustainable income streams the non-SFC income sources.
- Deliver the SFC credit target whilst ensuring the offer to the market is efficient.
- Position the college as a strategic partner within the region in delivering the skills ambition of the Regional Economic Plan (REP).
- Strengthen the college’s position as a destination of choice in its role within the educational ecosystem.
- Secure financial sustainability, flexibility and resilience by building our strategic partnerships.
- Provide opportunities to implement efficient business models.
We will improve our customer experience through sustainable use of our estate, resources and infrastructure:
- Integrate and harmonise college systems to facilitate and meet our customers’ needs.
- Model innovative workplace practices with a focus on increasing our customer reach and satisfaction.
- Provide a modern estate that is flexible, adaptive and financially sustainable to meet the needs of our current and future users.
- Optimise our ways of working through the use of innovative digital technologies and ensure that our people have the highest standards of digital literacy.
- Drive business improvement through the use of data analytics.
- Enable our net zero emissions within college operations.
- Ensure the college adopts the highest levels of public sector cyber resilience.
- Demonstrate compliance with all statutory requirements ensuring that all stakeholders are aware of their duties in their relevant areas.
The college plays a crucial role in allowing communities and their economies to thrive!.
Joanna Campbell, Principal and Chief Executive Officer.

Dumfries and Galloway’s regional economy is the key to unlocking the future potential of our communities and people. The college is pivotal in helping build a prosperous economy through education and training and providing equity of opportunity to benefit all.
Our vision is ambitious and far reaching and requires commitment from all of our partners to work across agencies to support inclusive economic growth for the Dumfries and Galloway region.