Martin’s focus on innovation is proving to be real inspiration

A Dumfries and Galloway College (DGC) photography student is quickly making his mark after changing career for a life behind the lens.

Martin McKeown — a former advanced nurse practitioner at DGRI (Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary) — is currently collaborating with film director Mark Cousins for a series of unique portrait pictures as the Scottish-Irish documentarian promoted his latest film The Story of Looking in Germany.

One of Martin’s images of Cousins has already featured in The Herald on Sunday earlier last month (Feb 5), while two more pictures have been hailed by the filmmaker himself who has posted them online for fans to talk about and share.

Both snapshots require much skill and even more patience from the photographer that leave us thinking, ‘How did they do that?’… with Cousins commenting on the suis generis ‘projection’ image: “Thank you Martin McKeown for taking this picture of me. I’ve been photographed a lot, but this is one of the best.”

Martin’s latest project comes after another of his innovative ideas won praise and plaudits — and was featured in lifestyle magazine D&G Life.

The 58-year-old Irishman wanted to capture the ‘human’ side of NHS staff as a tribute to his former profession and co-workers, so he took to social media to share his concept and to hopefully get people on board.

And the feedback was overwhelmingly positive, and it wasn’t long before Martin was snapping 28 of his former colleagues doing a range of activities — including sewing, crocheting, running, cycling, paddle boarding, music/singing, inshore rescue and a radio DJing.

Martin, who is set to complete his HND in the summer, said: “The NHS project was a labour of love and I am humbled by the response and feedback I have received.

“And, now, getting the opportunity to photograph Mark Cousins… it was incredible and such a thrill to work with him and show him in a different perspective.”

College Principal Joanna Campbell said: “Everyone at the college is thrilled to see Martin’s success with his two main projects so far.

“He continues to excel and the recognition he has received recently in the press is well deserved.”

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