South Of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) Engagement Tour – Phase 2

South Of Scotland Enterprise (SOSE) continue their engagement tour with Phase 2 stops running from Monday 24th January 2022 until Wednesday 2nd March 2022 in 13 different locations across our region.

The events are open to everyone in the region and offer the chance to meet SOSE’s Chair, Professor Russel Griggs OBE, and Chief Executive, Jane Morrison-Ross. The sessions will allow businesses, social enterprises, community groups and the general public to give their views on what their priorities should be for the local economy.

How do I sign up to an event and what are the dates?

All venues used during for the ‘Your South of Scotland’ engagement tour will be COVID-safe, with booking required in advance

For those unable to attend, there will be a virtual session held, with one of the physical events also expected to also be streamed over SOSE’s social media channels.

Each event will run from 6.45pm to 8pm.

Event dates, locations and joining links are below:

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