SVQ: Care Services, Leadership & Management at SCQF 10


This SVQ is suitable for those who have a leadership and management role in a care service.
Upon successful completion, you will gain a recognised qualification which guarantees you have the skills, knowledge and abilities required to carry out your role competently.

Course code





14 months



Entry Requirements

  • Be employed in a suitable health or social care setting
  • Must be carrying out relvant tasks and activities which will allow you to naturally gather evidence for your SVQ portfolio
  • Have completed your probationary period within your current work role
  • Demonstrate an ability to write at SCQF level 7 or above

Course Content

To achieve this SVQ, you are required to complete eight units. Along with your four mandatory units you must complete four optional units. Your Assessor will support you in choosing the units that best match your work role.

For further information on units within this qualification:
SQA Unit Information Sheet

Additional funding information

Funding opportunities available:
Part-time Funding Guide – SAAS
Become an apprentice – Scotland
No One Left Behind Funding Grant Applications are Open | DGLEP

Course Contact Details

01387 734 163 or 01387 734 139

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