Foundation in Creative Industries (NQ) @ SCQF Level 6


This new exciting course gives you the opportunity to develop skills if you are looking to become a Creative Practitioner. You will develop knowledge and skills in the diverse world of Creative Practice with the option of choosing a potential speciality such as Art & Design, Photography or Digital Media. You will commence to develop professional and personal skills which are required in today’s Creative Practice industry.

Course code



Dumfries Campus



  • 1 Year Attendance
  • Full Time 2-2.5 days per week
  • Independent study time is also required

Entry Requirements

  • 3 National 5 awards at C or 3 intermediate 2 awards or Foundation Studies in Creative Industries (qualifications ideally include English and Art)
  • Current college students will require a positive progressing learner reference

Entry may be possible for mature students without the stated academic qualifications depending on their prior knowledge and experience

Information and Interview Session Requirements

You will be invited to a group and/or individual interview/information session where you can find out more about the course and tell us why you’re interested in this subject area.

You will also be required to send a portfolio of work to us prior to your interview.

Reviewing your portfolio will help our specialist staff to give you the best advice on which level of study and course is right for you at this time. We will make an offer based on your application form, interview and portfolio of work.

The following guidelines for a portfolio of work should be noted:

  • A folio can consist of drawings, paintings, photographs, Digital images or a combination of all.
  • Neat and clean presentation is important.
  • A maximum of 15 pieces and a variety of work is recommended.
  • Video/film work to be restricted to 60 seconds.
  • Please be prepared to discuss why and how you produced the creative work in your folio.
  • Please remember that you are required to submit a portfolio of work prior to your Information and Interview Session.

Course Content

You will undertake a range of integrated projects developing skills in traditional Creative Practise areas such as Art & Design, Photography and Digital Media using a range of practical techniques, specialist software.

You will also gain essential skills for employment or progression to further study including ICT, Communication, Digital Skills, Numeracy, Problem solving, Working with others, Time management and Diligence.


Assessment methods may include individual and group projects, presentations, written assignments, and practical exercises,

The year is divided into 3 teaching blocks, so assessment is spread evenly throughout the course. There are opportunities for re-assessment throughout the year.


There will be progression opportunities into the full-time Creative Practice Degree programme in partnership with UWS.

Career Prospects

The course is designed to provide an option for further study in Creative Practice which will then lead to employment in a range of artistic, photographic or design careers including self-employment or creative roles.

Additional funding information

You may be entitled to a Bursary or EMA, please contact for more information.

Selling Points

Gives learners the opportunity to gain skills and knowledge required to be a creative practitioner

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