Management SCQF Level 7 (Modern Apprenticeship)

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The Scottish Vocational Qualification (SVQ) in Management at SCQF level 7 allows candidates to demonstrate competence in job-related skills in their particular area of work and expertise. It has been developed to support those working as first line managers, section managers, assistant managers, trainee managers, senior supervisors, and those working in a range of other management positions.

Modern Apprenticeships are a great way of gaining skills, qualifications and experience and starting a career without having to study full-time. You will be earning whilst you are learning!

This is an opportunity to work towards an industry recognised qualification whilst you are learning ‘on the job’ and it’s a great way to kick-start your career.

For further information on this particular SVQ please follow this link to the relevant website .

Course code



Dumfries and Stranraer Campus


1 Year

Entry Requirements

You must be in full-time employment and aged 16 years or over. We recommend that candidates should have achieved as a minmum, standard grades at General Level in English, Maths and a Science subject. Candidates should be well presented, committed to the Modern Apprenticeship and able to complete.

Course Content

You will be working towards an SVQ 3 in Management and equipping you with the appropriate Career Skills to achieve this Modern Apprenticeship. There will be specific learning to develop your knowledge and skills which could include: Lead Your Team; Manage People’s Performance at Work, Provide Healthy, Safe and Secure and Productive Working Environments and Practices. Along with your assessor you with choose some of your own learning, your assessor will help you to consider the units which suit your needs best.


Assessments take the form of written (using an on-line portfolio) and practical assignments and are integrated throughout the year. Written assessments are carried out by the candidate under the guidance of the assessor. The assessors will assess your competency and advise and guide you on any work that may be required.

Additional funding information

This Modern Apprenticeship is funded through Skills Development Scotland.

You may choose to undertake this as a standalone SVQ qualification which can either be self-funded or paid by your employer. Please click here for further information.

Course Contact Details

If you would like to find out more information please contact us via:


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