Introduction to Neuroscience and Self-Regulation in Early Years


This new course combines two highly topical themes within child development and early years provision – neuroscience and self-regulation.

This course is designed to give learners a gentle introduction to neuroscience, and share some of the remarkable insights it has given us in terms of how the infant brain develops and how this is affected by a range of external influences. For example, advances in technology mean we can now see the damaging effects stress, trauma and a lack of adult care and affection can have on the developing structures of the brain and how these can detrimentally affect learning and behaviour. We can also see the positive affects of affectionate and responsive care givers relationships and nurturing care environments.

This course also explores the topic of self-regulation in early years, which are a critical set of skills that help children remain calm, attentive and able to deal with powerful emotions such as fear, anger and sadness.

As well as explaining the theory behind the science, this course will provide learners with practical advice in terms of how to promote health brain development in the critical first seven years of life, and how they can support children to develop those vital self-regulation skills.

Course code





It will involve 105 hours of personal learning to complete. Most students complete the course in 12 weeks, averaging almost 9 hours of personal learning per week.



Course Content

The Level 2 Award in an Introduction to Neuroscience in Early Years comprises two mandatory units as follows:

Unit 1 – Understanding neuroscience in early years
Unit 2 – Understanding self-regulation and how to nurture this in children from birth to seven years


The learning materials include an assessment, which allows learners to demonstrate achievement of all learning outcomes associated with each unit. Learners should complete the assessment remotely and submit it via the college’s online learning platform.

Course Contact Details

T: 01387 734199

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