Managing Unacceptable Employee Behaviour


This 1 day session is designed to give Managers and Leaders the opportunity to consider how best to manage unacceptable behaviour in the workplace.

Those who attend will leave with a clear understanding of how they would like to apply their learning in the organisation.

Session outcomes are management feel comfortable to:

  • Identify and explore what makes employee behaviour unacceptable
  • Recognise what circumstances drive our behaviour and the resulting consequences
  • Understand what makes a conversation ‘difficult’
  • Develop confidence in having difficult conversations
  • Recognising passive, aggressive and assertive behaviours
  • Communicate assertively and with confidence
  • Develop confidence in giving specific feedback
  • Preparing for and practising dealing with challenging communication situations
  • Use tools and techniques to support these conversations
  • Personal development plan

Course code





1 day, delivered via MS Teams




Location: Online
Virtual Delivery vi MS Teams – 21 Aug 2024 09:00

Course Content

Welcome and objectives


What makes employee behaviour unacceptable?

  • Interactive exercise and discussion using post-its, whiteboard or meeting chat to identify what makes employee behaviour unacceptable.
  • Discussion and opportunity to link to organisational goals, standards, value, personal values.
  • Discussing and sharing specific situations

Recognise what circumstances drive our behaviour and the resulting consequences

  • Discussing the psychology of how the brain works; what drives behaviour and reactions.
  • Iceberg principle.
  • Beliefs principle.
  • Interactive exercise with scenarios.

Communicating assertively and with impact

Discussion and exercises to include:

  • The impact of body language, tone and the words we use
  • The importance of non-verbal communication
  • Recognising passive, aggressive and assertive behaviours
  • Effective listening and questioning techniques
  • Reframing

Giving and receiving feedback

  • What is the purpose of feedback?
  • When should we give it?
  • When shouldn’t we give it?
  • Purpose of feedback: BOOST
  • Barriers to giving feedback
  • Constructive v Destructive feedback

Exploring models:

  • Reactions to giving feedback: SARAH
  • Giving feedback: AID; SBIC
  • Practical application.

Receiving feedback

Dealing with difficult conversations

Discussion and practical exercise including:

  • Situations that require difficult conversations
  • Preparing for the conversation
  • Facilitating the conversation including body language, tone, language
  • Dealing with reactions
  • Agreeing on follow up actions

Course Contact Details

T: 01387 734199

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